While the subway system in New York is generally a dependable means to get from place to place, nobody pretends taking the subway is an altogether safe activity. Unfortunately, thousands of people are injured or harmed on subways every single year, and if you are one of them, you are most likely now seeking financial compensation to help cover the cost of your medical bills, in-home care, lost wages, and more. Please continue reading, and do not hesitate to reach out to our experienced personal injury attorney today to learn more about how our firm can help you. Here are some of the questions you may have regarding the legal process going forward:
What are the most common causes of subway accidents?
New York subways have a less-than-stellar reputation for safety, for various reasons. Some of the most frequent causes of subway accidents can include sudden stops or starts, operator negligence, obstructed walkways, electrocutions, improperly functioning subway doors, defective stairs or platforms, poor subway security, and more.
What should I do if I was injured in a subway accident?
The most important thing you can do after being injured in a subway accident is to hire an experienced attorney who knows how to bring a lawsuit against a municipality. Once you hire an attorney, he will begin collecting evidence. Some of the most crucial types of evidence can include police reports of the incident, medical documentation detailing the severity of your injuries, videos of the accident, and more. If you are physically capable of doing so, you should always ask any witnesses of the accident for their contact information, as they may verify your personal injury claim, if need be.
What does the phrase “statute of limitations” mean?
If you have been injured in an accident, the law states that you are given a certain amount of time to sue the party responsible. This timeframe is known as the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations in New York is, generally, three years, however, when filing a lawsuit against a municipality, you have even less time to act.
To sue the New York City Transit Authority, you must file a Notice of Claim within 90 days from the date of your accident. Once doing so, you will have 1 year and 90 days from the date of the accident to proceed with your personal injury lawsuit. Our firm is ready to begin the claims process so we can fight for the compensation you need.
Contact our experienced New York City firm
The Law Offices of Laurence C. Tarowsky is proud to serve clients in New York City and the surrounding areas after they have been injured by someone else’s negligence. For a consultation, contact our office today.