New York City Drunk Driving Accident Attorney

NYC Drunk Driving Accident Attorney

New York Drunk Driving Lawyer in NYC

The innocent victims of drunk driving accidents are subject to life-threatening injuries simply because the other party chose to get behind the wheel while they were intoxicated. The impacts of a drunk driving accident can extend for years down the road, causing significant physical, emotional, and financial burdens for the victim. If you are an innocent victim of someone else’s decision to drive while intoxicated, it is important to consider your legal options. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you hold the drunk driver accountable for their actions. The legal team at the Law Offices of Laurence C. Tarowsky can help you hold the drunk driver accountable and recover the compensation you deserve. Contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation.

After an Accident

At the Law Offices of Laurence C. Tarowsky, we are committed to helping you find justice after being seriously injured in an accident that was caused by someone else’s decision to drive drunk. These cases can be complicated because the drunk driver is likely also facing criminal charges. Luckily, with the help of our legal team, your interests will be effectively represented throughout the case. We understand the ins and outs of the criminal side of this case and can use that to help you seek restitution once a guilty verdict has been found, obtain the results of the field sobriety test so we can prove the driver’s negligence, and pursue a claim against the insurance policy of the intoxicated driver.

Dram Shop Laws in NY

The state of New York has laws in place that hold establishments, such as bars and restaurants, accountable for over-serving customers that proceed to cause injuries and property damage in an accident. These are known as the Dram Shop laws. If you can prove that an establishment either continued to serve a visibly intoxicated person or a person under the age of 21 who then caused your accident, you may be able to recover additional damages.

Recovering Damages

The burdens of being a victim of a drunk driving accident can be significant and permanent. You may be suffering from serious injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, permanent scarring, and more. These injuries may only be the first of many hardships you face as a result of the accident. You may also be reeling from emotional distress, the inability to return to work, and the loss of enjoyment of life. Retaining the services of an experienced personal injury attorney from the Law Offices of Laurence C. Tarowsky may allow you to recover significant compensation for burdens that are both economic and non-economic in nature. Economic burdens may include medical bills, lost wages, and more. Non-economic damages can include compensation for other burdens, such as the loss of enjoyment of life, pain and suffering, emotional distress, among other things.

Contact a NYC Drunk Driving Accident Attorney

Have you been seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident due to the actions of an intoxicated driver? If so, the Law Offices of Laurence C. Tarowsky is here to help. We are committed to finding justice for you after a horrendous accident of this nature. Our firm understands the physical, emotional, and financial burdens you are facing. To schedule a free consultation with a team of compassionate attorneys, contact the Law Offices of Laurence C. Tarowsky today.

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