Can I Sue a Homeowner if I Was Injured on His Property?

Can I Sue a Homeowner if I Was Injured on His Property?

When a friend or family member invites you into their home, the last thing you expect to happen is a serious accident. However, if you have been injured, there is a very good chance you are now seeking financial compensation. Nobody wants to sue a friend or family member, however, you should not have to pay for your recovery if the accident was simply not your fault. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, here are some of the questions you may have regarding your legal options going forward:

What is a premises liability lawsuit?

Homeowners are responsible for ensuring their property is safe for all. This means clearing debris off walkways, keeping a well-lit property, and more. If someone is injured on a homeowner’s property, there is a very good chance they can hold that homeowner accountable for the accident in what is known as a premises liability lawsuit.

How do I know if I can win a premises liability lawsuit?

The main qualification for winning any personal injury claim is whether you can prove that you were injured due to another party’s negligence. However, this is oftentimes easier said than done. Insurance companies are businesses, and they are primarily concerned with their bottom line. This is why they frequently try and deny seriously injured individuals the compensation they need to get back on their feet again. Fortunately, with the help of an experienced attorney, you stand a far greater chance of winning the compensation you deserve and need.

Do I need an attorney to help me win a lawsuit?

Attorneys are trained in finding and presenting evidence as convincingly as possible to help clients attain the justice they deserve. When you hire an experienced attorney, you hire someone who is equipped to obtain surveillance footage of your accident, pictures of the safety hazard that caused your accident, police reports, and more.

Keep in mind that every state has a statute of limitations for personal injury claims. Rather simply, the phrase, “statute of limitations” refers to the legally acceptable amount of time you have from the date of your accident to take legal action against a negligent party. The statute of limitations in New York is, generally, three years. If you do not file a premises liability lawsuit within three years, you will no longer be allowed to sue. The sooner you act, the better. Our firm is ready to fight for the compensation you deserve.

Contact our experienced New York City firm

The Law Offices of Laurence C. Tarowsky is proud to serve clients in New York City and the surrounding areas after they have been injured by someone else’s negligence. For a consultation, contact our office today.

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